July and August Monthly - Teens (13+yrs)

Philosophy - This program is designed first and foremost to be fun. It also provides superior physical development (flexibility and strength), challenging activity and a measure of success and accomplishment for the teen.

Structure - This program is an introductory course for teenagers with little or no previous gymnastics experience. Classes are scheduled concurrently with Advanced Recreation classes so that beginner teens will be with students of similar age. IInstruction is provided on all Olympic gymnastics events plus trampoline. Each class is streamed according to age, VGMP (Victoria Gymnastics Medallion Program) level and/or previous experience. Boys and Girls are coached in separate groups. There is a maximum student to instructor ratio of 8 to 1.

Accomplishment - Only students who have done 8 weeks of summer classes will be assessed at the end of August, otherwise please see our schedule for assessment periods for our Fall/Winter/Spring programs. The actual medallion is Gold in colour while the colour of the sticker represents progress being made. Each time a student receives an award (Step 1, Step 2, or Mastered) he/she has the opportunity to either:

A) Advance within a color/level or
B) Move on to the next color/level.

Within each level there are an average of 36 gymnastics skills that are distributed among the floor exercise, rings,vault, parallel and uneven bars, high bar, trampoline, pommel horse, and balance beam. These skills progress in their complexity as students master each successive medallion. Note: The school retains records on the progress of each student to assist in class placement in future sessions.

Program Prerequisites - No gymnastics experience required!

  WESTSHORE - Availability