Performance 5-8 Years

Performance A (5-8 yrs) - The experienced 5 - 8 yr. will benefit from a greater emphasis on skill refinement. Entry is by invitation after taking part in our annual testing. As a skill standard, all Performance students can lift their legs to a bar from a hanging position. These students will take part in award presentations, displays and other promotional activities. Minimum 2 class per week. Purchase of display attire may be required. (8:1 ratio)

Performance B and C (8-12 yrs) - Children are invited into this group based upon the results of our annual testing; as a standard, students in this program are able to demonstrate a stable round-off. This program involves a more enriched and intense gymnastic workout where skill execution is emphasized. These students may eventually be invited into one of our higher level programs. It is required that these children attend a minimum of two times per week. More frequent training sessions provide the necessary repetition the gymnast will require to maintain this skill level. Performance students, who attend two times per week, are invited to take part in mall displays, parades and other promotional activities. Purchase of display attire may be required. (8:1 ratio)

Structure - This program involves a more enriched and intense gymnastic workout. It is recommended that these children attend a minimum of two times per week. More frequent training sessions provide the necessary repetition the gymnast will require to maintain this skill level. Performance students are invited to take part in displays and other promotional activities. Boys and Girls are coached in separate groups. Students in the Performance program may eventually be invited into one of the higher level competitive programs.