Home and Distributed Learners (2+ yrs)

Philosophy - This class time has been exclusively reserved for registered home and distributed learners to facilitate a non-competitive environment where the gymnastics curriculum is taught without regard to a skill acquisition timeline. Our Medallion Program rewards students at all stages of achievement (i.e. a medallion is awarded for 0 to 60% completion of any of the 14 progressive levels). (See calendar for assessment dates) This is a rare opportunity for home learning children to take part in an activity that is conducive to the home learning philosophy. (8:1 ratio)

Structure - Instruction is provided on all Olympic gymnastics evens plus trampoline. Each class is streamed according to age, award level and/or previous experience. Boys and girls ages 5.5 and up are coached in separate grouops. A 10:1 student/teacher ratio provides a lower cost without sacrificing the quality of instruction. Instruction is provided on all Olympic gymnastics events plus trampoline. This program is coed.

Accomplishment - Students have fitness assessments three times a year, followed by a ceremony where they are presented with our medallions. The actual medallion is Gold in colour while the colour of the sticker represents progress being made. Each time a student receives an award (Step 1, Step 2, or Mastered) he/she has the opportunity to either:

A) Advance within a color/level or
B) Move on to the next color/level.

Within each level there are an average of 36 gymnastics skills that are distributed among the floor exercise, rings,vault, parallel and uneven bars, high bar, trampoline, pommel horse, and balance beam. These skills progress in their complexity as students master each successive medallion. Note: The school retains records on the progress of each student to assist in class placement in future sessions.

Program Prerequisites - No gymnastics experience required!