Advanced (9-17yrs)

Philosophy - These programs continue to emphasize fun and physical development with a greater emphasis on skill progressions for advanced gymnastics. Students follow our proprietary Medallion Program. With the advanced nature of the skills performed, two classes per week are recommended, although the option of one class is available. (8:1 ratio)

Structure - Entrance is through assessment only. The Advanced Recreational program uses levels 8 through 15 of this program (Silver through Gold) and fitness progress reports are provided between badge/level assessments. Two classes per week are recommended, although the option of one class is available. Instruction is provided on all Olympic gymnastics events plus trampoline. Boys and girls are coached in separate groups and streamed according to age. Students will work on our 14color/level Medallion Award Program.

Accomplishment - Students have fitness assessments three times per year, followed by ceremony where they are presented with our medallions. The actual medallion is Gold in colour while the colour of the sticker represents progress being made. Each time a student receives an award (Step 1, Step 2, or Mastered) he/she has the opportunity to either:

a) Advance within a color/level or
b) Move on to the next color/level.

Within each level there are an average of 36 gymnastics skills that are distributed among the floor exercise, rings,vault, parallel and uneven bars, high bar, trampoline, pommel horse, and balance beam. These skills progress in their complexity as students master each successive medallion. Note: The school retains records on the progress of each student to assist in class placement in future sessions.

Program Prerequisites - A strong roundoff is required as demonstrated through an entrance assessment.

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